Sunday 7 April 2013

Wedding Invites: Paperless Post
I was always against emailing out our official invites as I thought it came across as a bit tacky. However, after going over the costs involved in getting an invite designed, printed and posted to 130 guests and weighing this up against the extra guests we could invite if we just emailed the invite out we decided we would rather have the extra guests.

I found this great site that was really easy to use.  I customised my own design using a template from a large range of choices.

Once your design is ready you can then send your invite out using the site and Paperless Post will keep track of who you have sent to, who has opened the invite, which addresses have bounced back and the RSVPs. You can also customise the RSVP to ask your guests to respond to a question. We decided to ask what their favourite song was so we could incorporate this into our wedding play list.

The site charges a very small fee to send out the invites (we only paid USD $16), so we saved massively on printing and postage costs as well as saving a few trees in the process ;)

They also have an app available which you can load to your tablet or phone to keep track of responses on the go.

My experience with this site has been very good and I must admit that I almost decided to just create my own PDF document and send this over email however, email RSVPs would have been a lot more difficult to keep track of.

If you are thinking of going the email invite route this site is a must!



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