Saturday 6 April 2013

A very cool app - Pocket

This is a really nifty app that I recently discovered. If, like me, you follow other bloggers or even twitter feeds that post interesting articles and you don't have time to read them right then, So you leave them as 'unread' in your inbox or save the link down somewhere only to forget or lose it amongst the thousands of other emails, then this is the app for you.

You can get the app on your phone, tablet and laptop so no matter what tool you are using your files (articles, web pages, videos, images) get saved to the same place. The best thing for me is that you don't even need the internet to access the articles or web pages. This is great if you have a tube journey to work and no internet.

Once you have it saved in Pocket you can then share it to your social networks but don't forget to tag it  as 'share' so you remember to share it later. You can make your tags anything you like which makes it easier to categorise whats in your Pocket.

Hope you enjoy this app as much as I do. It's really helped me to organise my articles and posts.




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