

I'm Justine. I am (sadly) in my late twenties and currently living in North London, Primrose Hill to be exact (hence the name of my blog). Cambridge born I was raised in Durban, South Africa, I consider it 'home'. In the last 27 years I have lived in 6 different cities: Cambridge, Durban, Gold Coast, Cape Town, London & Nice. 

My most recent residence came about as the result of meeting a certain 'Pietersen' who I now sometimes refer to as my 'fiancee' although I still find it a weird 'state of limbo' reference and 'partner' generally topples out my mouth if I feel the situation would brand me as 'gloating' about the fact that someone has actually decided to marry me! Regardless, I love him and he's great. May the wedding planning continue....

I studied Accounts at the University of Cape Town. Best choice I ever made, Cape Town that is not Accounts. I moved to London and worked for a Hedge Fund before throwing the towel in and heading to the Med for some sun, sea and sometimes work. I worked on a 30m yacht for 6 months before shoving a few clothes and one of those 'shake me to make me work' torches (which became the brunt of many jokes) into a backpack and headed to South America. Amazing place. After that I became the South African agent for a latin American brand called PAEZ before meeting Mr P and returning to the big smog.

I have started a blog so I can put down my 'Happy Space' somewhere. Things in my happy space (excluding Mr P) include: travel, fitness, French bull dogs, cup cakes & cosy coffee spots, social media, South Africa and the African bush (which is where I am getting married).

So enjoy my 'Happy Place'!



PS. I am in love with this little man x

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