Monday 22 April 2013

The 'Wedding body' obsession.

6am, woke up, went to gym and sweated like a beast as the trainer pushed me to the point of wanting to throw up. Why would I do this? Simple, I am getting married in less than 6 months.

Isn't it weird that for most of us it takes a ring on our finger and a wedding lingering on the horizon to get our butts into shape? It has become part of the standard wedding planning list:

    • Buy dress
    • Book DJ
    • Book flowers
    • Book hair dresser
    • Book make up artist
    • Book venue
    • Choose menu
    • Book minister
    • Buy wedding bands
    • Lose 7 kgs

Anyone who has ever been engaged will know what I am talking about. One day you are plodding along, maybe you go to gym if you feel like it or have a nice slow Sunday run, then your own Mr P gets down on one knee and bam the pressure is on. Forcing yourself to get out of bed before 6am every day, googling wedding arms work out programs (I like the one below by Studio 132 ) and turning down the birthday cakes at work ;( Gone are the days of guilt free sleep ins and afternoon treats.

Literally every morsel of anything yummy becomes forbidden and if you back slide just once, even on a weekend, the guilt is unfathomable. Although none compared to the remorse felt should you really have an off day and give the gym a skip.

Even when I was trying on wedding dresses at the shop the assistant remarked 'you'll have to have alterations done just before the wedding as all brides lose weight before their wedding', now if thats not pressure to get on a treadmill I don't know what is.

Yes, we all want to look amazing on our wedding day and yes we all want to be in the best shape possible but what we should not do is put our health at risk. Make it a lifestyle not an obsession. That way your goal is more about looking and feeling great everyday instead of 'I have to be skinny for my wedding'. What happens after the wedding?

My best piece of advice is to throw away the scale and don't focus on numbers, but more on how you look and how healthy you feel. Lucy at Studio 132 also recommends using a tape measure instead, which makes sense really. I have never lost weight according to the scale even when I have been in my best shape.

I try to exercise at least once a day during the week so I can relax and enjoy the weekend. I tend to run to work 1 - 2 times a week, go to the gym 3 - 4 times a week and then I play in a netball league once a week too, which I love.

I’ve recently started some HIIT/Cross Fit Training classes and they are awesome. It just helps having someone there to push you. I shower, leave the gym, walk in the cold for 15 minutes, get the tube and arrive at work still sweating and looking like a tomato, but I feel GREAT!

Happy healthy wedding bodies all!



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